Out now : books, book chapters and articles I’ve written on interactive art, emergence, audience experience and participation...
The Routledge International Handbook of Practice-Based Research (2022) - Edited volume
The Routledge International Handbook of Practice-Based Research presents a cohesive framework with which to conduct practice-based research or to support, manage and supervise practice-based researchers. It has been written with an inclusive approach, with the intention of presenting deep and meaningful knowledge for the benefit of all readers.
Interacting: Art, Research and the Creative Practitioner (2012) - Edited book
A book about interacting in its many forms—including the relationships between artworks and audiences, between creative practitioners from different disciplines, and between those practitioners and the norms of research in contemporary society—this account provides a unique perspective on these interacting elements.
Emergence in Interactive Art (2017) - Monograph by Seevinck
This book is concerned with emergence, interaction, art and computing. It introduces a new focus for emergence in interactive art: the emergent experience. Emergence literature is discussed and an organising framework, the Taxonomy of Emergence in Interactive Art (TEIA) is provided together with case studies of digital, interactive art systems that facilitate emergence. Evidence from evaluations of people interacting with the works is analysed using the TEIA. Artworks from across the world are also reviewed to further illustrate the potential for emergence.
“Emergence | Concept | Response, Gesture | Time, Space | Hybrid Space | Interaction | Towards a Differentiated Understanding of Interaction”